Semen Analysis & Male/Female Fertility Tests | Conceptia, Moncton | Conceptia



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During your initial visit, your physician may recommend further assessments to complete your medical history and ensure that the treatment plan is as adapted to your situation as possible.

Tests applicable for you or your partner

Physical exam:

Your physician may perform a routine examination to complete the one done by your referring doctor.

Blood work:

Blood samples will be taken in order to determine hormonal levels and sexual transmitted infections (STIs), including syphilis, Hepatitis A, B and C and the HIV (AIDS) viruses, as well as checking for immunization against rubella.

Tests for females

Pap smears:

Vaginal culture and cervicovaginal smear work-up (more commonly known as a PAP smear) consists of a member of our medical team collecting a sample of the patient’s cervix in order to test for chlamydia, gonorrhea and general cervix health.

Medical imaging:

Ultrasounds may be performed to examine the patient’s ovaries, fallopian tubes and endometrial lining (Sonohysterogram).


Day surgery in which two or three small incisions are made in the patient’s abdomen, which allows the surgeon to introduce a camera (laparoscope) and look at the reproductive organs to detect potential endometriosis.

Tests for males

Urology consult:

Conceptia works with an affiliated urologist, whom you can be referred to by our teams to test for testicular function.

Swim up semen analysis:

An in-depth test to determine the probability of sperm being able to fertilize eggs, whether spontaneously or through the various Assisted Reproductive Techniques offered at Concepta (IUI, IVG, ICSI).

Semen analysis:

Our andrologists look for abnormalities in sperm concentration, movement and appearance, as well as the presence of antisperm antibodies.

Fertility Clinic | Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm

Nursing Team | Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 3:30pm

Weekends & Holidays: Prescheduled appointments only

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Inclusion of all gender and sexually diverse people is an important value of Conceptia. We are continuously striving to create an environment of compassionate belonging where all of the 2SLGBTQ2SIA+ community are supported, valued, and respected.

Conceptia is situated within the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1725.

We are a proud partner in The Fertility Partners network, Canada’s largest coast-to-coast network of fertility practices. Together, we collaborate on growing access to care, research, and innovation to advance the reproductive medicine field, and delivering leading patient outcomes.